Thursday, December 18, 2008

Patio Furniture Care

Patio furniture can be the backbone of favorable memories if setup properly. If not patio furniture will become a yards biggest malcontent!

Many people buy patio furniture year after and end up spending more for cheap crappy pieces because they do it so frequently than if they would buy something of quality once! As a patio furniture supplier this makes me sick. Why sit on bent or ripped up chairs or cushions and be embarrassed to have family and friends over when you don’t have too. Yeah something of quality cost slightly higher but the benefits far outweigh the cost. If you are going to go with the cheap stuff at least don’t leave it out in the elements. This is the number one mistake of patio furniture owners! Cover it up or move it to a garage or at least a covered area. Keep pets and animals off of your pieces if possible. Dogs and cats quickly discover that patio chairs and cushions are far more comfortable than the ground or a hard animal house floor. Simple soap and water cleaning can preserve your patio furniture pieces for longer also.

Who likes going over to someone's home who has patio furniture strewn across the yard and/or dirty or worn out cushions or sitting areas? Don’t you kind of judge or comment to yourself regarding the state of their pieces? Be honest that little voice in your head says don’t sit on that… make up some excuse. When people see your patio furniture what do they say? Keep it stored; keep it clean, keep it dry and compliments will fly… Ok ok I am not a poet but you get the point.

Happy shopping

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