Monday, September 28, 2009

Patio Furniture with kids in mind

The world of patio furniture has come a long way over the years. Tailoring to needs of every group imaginable is no longer a mere dream. Even the kids can have their own patio furniture. Things like tree houses, playhouses and slide sets can add much to a back yard.

Safety should always come first so think about the ages of your little ones and chose accordingly. Will there be supervision at all times when they are using the outdoor play pieces? Factors like this will determine what you should purchase and what you should pass over. The amount of space you have is also something to give consideration. Think too about how long the play piece or patio furniture will be appealing to them. As a kid gets older playing in the tree house may not be so fun. Is the item only usable during certain times of the year? How will it be stored should you need to take it down or put it up? How much time and space will that take? Review those questions as well.

Think ahead about things like that so you can make the best decision. Always involve the kids who will actually use the patio furniture or outdoor garden pieces in the decision making by getting their impute and learning their likes and dislikes. Why spend money on something that doesn’t excite them or that you know they will tire of quickly? Many find that giving a kid a few options is the best way to learn what they like and then the adult actually makes the decision. Questions like: Do you think a swing is better or a slide? Do you think a small house you could use all the time would be more fun than a water slide you could only use when it is hot out? Other parents pick the items without the kids impute based on what they know of the child then give them the choice of colors it comes in or accessories you can add on. Either way empowers the young one and shows them their opinion counts.

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